The MT 988 Project - Outreach

The MT 988 Project provides multiple means of outreach, all designed to reach Montana communities, other learning institutions, and individuals.

  • Visual content. In partnership with the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services. The artwork created by the project will be used in materials produced by MDPHHS to reach and inform people across the state about the 988 hotline. Select pieces will be chosen to make up the agenci’s 2022 poster and other material. These will be distributed to individuals, businesses, and schools across Montana.

  • Digital media. The artwork from the project is constructed to be shared and distributed by various social media platforms. In both paid and unpaid forms the artwork and its message with be used to connect and inform.

  • Exhibitions. Artwork created during the project’s first year will become part of a traveling exhibition shown in various locations throughout Montana in 2022.

  • Other classrooms/groups. The MT 988 Project is setting up sharing exhibitions with the artists and Montana High Schools.